In need of a national healing.
In medicine we speak of symptoms and the disease. The symptoms are the manifesting signs of the underlying condition. Without addressing the underlying disease, the symptoms will continue to manifest. In light of another death of a black male and the challenging response we are seeing across the country, we must apply this to our national plight. These deaths sadly represent the symptoms. The underlying disease is prejudice, racism and discrimination, a plight that has afflicted our great nation since its inception. What is the cure? Some of my thoughts: This is not a political post, but suffice to say, calming and level-headed national leadership would help the nation heal. No matter your political affiliation, this needs to be considered and pondered before retreating into partisanship and tribalism. I am a believer in the thought that public facing occupations such as social work, education, healthcare, and yes police work, are subject to the larger forces and constructs of soc...